Sunday, May 2, 2010

My Daughter

Ni Hao Y'all

My oldest daughter turned 6 in January. Since then she has grown and blossomed into a full blown kid. I remember the day when all of a sudden she was a toddler and not a baby any more. Then she was a preschooler and not so much a toddler. Now, in a very short period of time she has learned how to ride a two wheeler and how to tie her shoes. She can read stories and write letters. She is on the swim team and is about to have her first swim meet. She has lost 2 teeth and has a few more that are ready to fall out any moment. Sure, all kids do this, but I just never thought my kid would grow up so soon...


  1. She is so cute! what an accomplishment too.

  2. What sweet pictures! Your little ones are darling :) And your daughter sure does sound grown up for a six year old! Wow!! She sure sounds bright!
    Thanks for joining in this week on Sunday Snapshot!

  3. Ur daughter is adorable. I love ur blog & i am sure following u & i hope u do to as its fun to make new blogger friends
