Friday, October 1, 2010

Birthday Party|Folsom Area Photographer

On a personal note… My two oldest kids have been to countless birthday parties over the years. They have grown up in playgroups and had friends that they have met through school. These friends (well, their parents) have always been very gracious and always invite ALL three of my children to the parties (thank you!). Because of this, my youngest has been to countless parties as well, but not really for her own friends. Today she got to go to her very first party where she was the one who was actually invited! She got to pick out her dress (and oh boy, was she opinionated on this ~ it had to be pink, not purple, mom!) and pick out a present for her friend and get it ready for the party.
She was beyond excited and so happy to get to go to a party for her friend. It was held at a time when my older two are in school, so it was perfect!
The girls had a blast and played like crazy! We had amazing "Dora" themed cupcakes made by Angel Cake (check her out on Facebook!). They were strawberry icing on a delicious chocolate cupcake! She hand made the Dora faces and they were melt-in-your-mouth delicious!
All in all, I think the birthday girl had a wonderful day and my daughter had a blast playing with her very own friend!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Jarretts | Folsom Area Photographer

A few weeks ago I got to take wedding pictures for this beautiful couple. They couldn't wait to get married, so they eloped in San Francisco! Then they asked me to take pictures of them in their wedding attire (who could let that dress go to waste?)! We took pictures around Folsom near Lake Natoma. It was a beautiful day and they were willing to follow me on a hike down to these rocks!I am so glad they did, because it was well worth it!
Because Folsom has been a big part of their lives, they wanted their photos to "say" Folsom, so what better place than the historic walking bridge?
Ahh, newlyweds!
It was a great day and I am so glad I got the opportunity to spend time photographing them!

I got to go back today to take pictures of them with their daughter. She had a flower girl dress, after all, and she couldn't let that go to waste either!At 7 years old, she took the lead and directed me during most of the shoot! She had a lot of great ideas and it was a change being told how to photograph! Doesn't she have a great smile? ;)And I have to say thank you to Charlè for all of the shout-outs she has given me recently! I love when people use the pictures I take AND give me credit for them! Thanks for all the kind words!
They certainly are having a lot of fun!
Such a beautiful family and so much fun to be around! Congratulations Jarrett Family!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Senior Portraits | Folsom Area Photographer

My poor blog has been seriously neglected this past month. I have been uploading most of my work to Facebook instead of posting here! I know, where is the fun in that? I seriously need to update my shoots. It is so much more fun to post here and be more descriptive about the shoots. Lets begin with my latest senior portrait shoot! Brittani brought her mom and sister the help assist her. I love it when friends and family come along. It is always great having extra people there and it adds to the energy of the shoot. Friends are always welcome to come along to your session and I can even do 2 senior portrait sessions at one time for friends.
We went to Old Folsom for the first part. Even though it is torn up and being remodeled right now, it is still a great place for pictures with textures and great backgrounds.
For instance, this great red stool was sitting outside a door. I pulled it into the middle of the sidewalk and told Brittani to sit down on it. She wasn't too sure at first, but it turned out to be a great picture! I love how it says "Psychic Readings" on the sign in the background. It goes so well with being a senior and going off into an unknown future!
Then we moved on the an area along the bike trail in Folsom. Folsom is filled with great trails and nature areas. I am so lucky to be able to photograph here!
I love these railroad tracks and it was another fun place to take pictures! Again, something about looking out into the future and senior pictures that go so well together!
This bridge is fantastic for pictures too. The sunlight and the trees make an amazing background!
And of course, the jumping shot! My daughter is still amazed by this one and always asks how she could jump that high! Being a cheerleader, it was easy for Brittani! I had a blast taking her pictures~ and I promise to start taking better care of my blog!

Friday, August 20, 2010

New Camera

It is finally here. I have been waiting forever to get it! My 7D is home! I couldn't wait to try it out!I can only imagine the possibilities! I am scrubbing my kids down and taking them out for a photo shoot tomorrow! I can not wait to see the results. This camera is a monster, especially compared to my XSI. I love the weight in my hands and the battery grip is a dream. I love to shoot vertically, and this makes it so much easier. The 8fps is lightning fast and perfect for catching those action shots. I am in heaven ~ I only wish there was more time to shoot!

Monday, July 26, 2010

My Littlest Hero|Folsom Area Photographer

I had the most amazing weekend doing a photo shoot for Inspiration Through Art (formerly The Littlest Heroes Project). It is an organization that matches photographers with families of children who are sick or who have a disability. We provide the family with a free photo session and usually a CD of images!I was so lucky to be asked to photograph Aden and his family on Saturday. They live 3+ hours away from me, so we decided to meet at Sand Harbor in Lake Tahoe for our shoot. Aden brought his little brother, Aren, his mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa.
The first thing I noticed about Aden was that he liked to run! And run he did, all over the beach. He had a blast climbing the rocks and playing in the water. Aden has Down Syndrome, ADHD, and Sleep apnea. He is energetic and all boy~ just like his little brother, and boy, did they keep Dad on his toes! It was hard to get the boys to be still for very long, but isn't that how most boys are? They loved the water and mom and dad were so laid back, they let them play and get dirty! It was so relaxed and fun!
One of the best parts of the shoot was at the end. I had some interview questions to ask Aden's mom and we sat down on the beach so the boys could play. My kids were there with my husband and it was so much fun to watch all the kids play together. They all rolled down the sand hill and played in the water together. It always amazes me how easy it is for kids to make friends!
Aden's mom says that Aden is a hero because "No matter how bad things are, he can smile and just make it better. Through it all, he smiles." I hope that I get the opportunity to photograph this family again. Not only is Aden a hero, his parents are heroes too for all the love and support they give their boys. I am very lucky to have met this amazing family!

Monday, June 28, 2010

I Heart Faces Week 26: Pets

It is "Pets" week at I heart Faces! While I do have three kids that act like animals sometimes, we don't have any pets. Well, we do have fish but I wanted to use this picture from our friends farm. We are lucky to be able to take the kids out there to see all of the wonderful animals! During the last visit the kids had the opportunity to feed this adorable baby lamb!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Fix it Friday #60

Here is the original pic for Fix it Friday #60 at I Heart Faces:And here is my fix:
Check out the other "fixes" over at I Heart Faces!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Fix It Friday #59

This is such a sweet picture! I had so much fun editing it for Fix It Friday at I Heart Faces! Here is the original:And my first fix using Coffee Shop's Creamy Toffee Latte action:
Here it is in black and white using Totally Rad Action's "Bitchin Black & White, and Dirt Bag texture:

And last but not least, this was done using Totally Rad Action's Super Fun Happy Action!All three pictures were first edited with Pinoneer Woman's Slight Sharpen action and then Coffee Shop's Powder Room 2 actions.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

We Picture This {Dads}

we picture {this}
I love the Dad's theme at the Mamarazzi Blog this month and I couldn't wait to enter these two pictures! Ella is a daddy's girl all the way and I love how these pictures capture their relationship!

All of my kids love blowing the dandelion seeds (what kid doesn't?) and making a wish when they do. They call the dandelion seeds "Wishes." I have always loved hearing them shout that they found a Wish! In fact that is where the name of this blog, Three Wishes, comes from! I LOVE the lighting in this picture and that I was able to capture this special look between the two of them. She just looked so enamored with him and I love how he is looking at her!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Fun Family Pics

So many people I have talked to lately have never had family portraits done. I must admit, I am one of them *blush*. The excuses are all the same: we are waiting for the baby to get a little bigger so he/she will sit still, we haven't had the time, I want to lose a little weight, you get the idea! When I look at my kids I realize that they are growing up so fast. They are no longer the babies I rocked to sleep at night and oh how I wish I could have had family pics of us each year as they have grown! There is no time like the present (maybe I should take my own advice)!

I had a fabulous session with this fun family on Sunday. They had never had family pics done either and it was about time! It was hard to just stick to family pics, and I snuck in a few pics of just mom and dad and some of just the kids. Dad thinks he is off the hook for a few more years now that the pictures have been taken! What he doesn't know is I am already planning the next session! ;)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Jabyne and Nicole| Folsom Area Photographer

Last night I had the opportunity to do a fabulous couples shoot. Not only were they gorgeous, but after 11 years of marriage they are still so in love! I can not wait until our next session when I get to photograph them with their two beautiful daughters!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Alicia and Nick

On the hottest day of the year, so far, I had the opportunity to do an amazing maternity shoot. The expecting parents were so laid back and easy going. They will be perfect parents and I can't wait to meet the little one for newborn pictures! They aren't finding out what they are having, so I will wait in suspense!